All you need to know about residential solar

If you're planning to have residential solar panels installed on your property, we recommend reading this to get the basics spot on. This page provides all the information about a solar panel as they are becoming increasingly popular amongst homeowners concerned about the rising cost of electricity.

Solar power basics

Most homes with solar panels in Australia are grid-connected and do not use solar. There are basically three types of residential solar systems.

On-grid system
On-grid systems are power grid-connected systems that allow you to maintain your grid connection to purchase power during night-time (and in the event of cloudy weather). The solar inverter you choose to use will work in conjunction with grid power to efficiently utilize solar power first before drawing energy out of the grid. Grid-connected solar systems can also allow the ability to sell power back to the grid. In general, it's financially unsustainable or feasible to cut off the grid entirely.

Off-grid systems
Off-grid solar power systems include a solar battery that functions as a separate energy source, utilizing stored power as a power source. They are most common for new construction projects in remote areas of Australia since a grid connection in remote areas can cost up to $50,000. In these situations, it could be environmentally and economically a better option to install an off-grid solar power system to power the home. 

Hybrid systems
A hybrid solar battery is a grid-connected system that includes the storage of solar energy in a battery and then reusing it during times of no sunlight (i.e., night or cloudy sky). Solar Batteries are a great backup power source and have the capacity to make more use of solar power, but at the current prices, they don't provide a high ROI. With the lifespan of the modern battery lasting up to 10 years, it is easy to understand why only a few households are choosing to install a solar battery.

Residential solar benefits

Solar energy is derived from the sun's radiation incident on the panels. It can be transformed into energy or heat, is readily available, and, thanks to technological advancements, we can use the sun's energy for free. Below here are some advantages that are associated with this renewable energy source.

Lighter on the environment.

The solar energy source has the lowest negative environmental impact compared with any other energy source. It doesn't emit greenhouse gases and doesn't affect the environment by polluting water. Also, it requires very little water for maintenance, unlike nuclear power plants, which require twenty times the amount of water. Solar energy production doesn't produce any sound, which is a significant advantage because many solar installations are located in urban areas, like residential solar panel installations.

Solar rebates in Australia

All the electricity you generate yourself means you'll be getting less energy from your electricity provider, resulting in lower energy bills. Additionally, you could make money selling the excess electricity you've generated and returning it to the grid. With the solar rebates grants available, you could increase the value of your green investment to make it more effective by increasing the amount of energy you produce and lower your consumption by drawing less energy from the grid, cutting down on energy costs. Anyone can get the rebate, regardless of whether you've previously purchased the solar system and now are looking to buy a new one.
Households throughout Australia who install a renewable energy system may be eligible for benefits from the SRES (Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme) (SRES) to assist with the cost of buying. In the event of an eligible system being installed, it allows STCs to be created on a small scale with the potential to be exchanged for cash or by giving them away.

What is the method of calculating STCs determined?

Small Scale Technology Certificates (STCs) are created as a result of rebates given to property owners for solar, hot water, wind and hydro systems installed on residential properties with a generating capacity of less than 100kw. STCs are tradeable certificates which can either be traded by the homeowner or which can be assigned by the homeowner to a solar system retailer, in exchange for an upfront discount off the cost of a solar system.  Sunboost sells its solar systems to customers and offers them an upfront point of sale discount in exchange for the STCs being assigned to retailer upon the solar system being installed.  

Call us!

Sunboost will reduce your operating expenses, exposure to fluctuating energy prices, and carbon emissions while also receiving tax benefits. In addition, as solar panels produce power, they can offset a large portion of your energy consumption and result in positive cash flow from day one. Call us 1300 786 266 today and get a free solar consultation.
